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as many of you know George Floyd was a black man murdered by a police officer. He was unarmed and initially restrained for a nonviolent crime. Say his name. Share this information. If you have friends and family who are privileged enough to “stay away from this kind of news” then take that fucking privilege away. Uplift the voices of black members of your community voicing their fear or outrage or grief. ????????????????Text “FLOYD” to 55156???????????????? and sign the petition seeking justice. The officers in question have been terminated and given paid leave. This is not sufficient punishment for murder. They need to be prosecuted. if you’re staying silent you’re contributing to the problem. I am updated on my Twitter if you are looking for more resources and information. The link for donations to black lives matter is in my bio. #blacklivesmatter

Ein Beitrag geteilt von halsey (@iamhalsey) am